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CQC New Single Assessment Framework Inspection Toolkit

CQC New Single Assessment Framework Inspection Toolkit

The CQC will be implementing its new Single Assessment Framework from October 2023 to all new registrations, assessments and inspections. The new CQC single assessment framework will focus on what matters to people (the lived experience of individuals and families). These will be based new on quality statements also referred to as ‘we statements’.

The five key KLOE questions have not been replaced. They have instead been incorporated as the foundation of the ‘we statements’. The we statements are designed to reflect what quality care should be like with clear links to CQC regulations.

The new cqc single assessment framework is designed to promote access to local services. The CQC will assess local services to ensure they are working well together. The single assessment framework is also designed to tackle inequalities by assessing that everyone has equal access, experiences and outcomes from health and social care services. As a result through "We statements" this serves as a guide to what providers should be doing to deliver high-quality care. It also clearly outlines the responsibilities and obligations of providers towards individuals receiving care.

Under the new CQC New Single Assessment Framework it is important for all stakeholders including commissioners, providers, service users, families, friends, and unpaid carers - to work collaboratively towards providing high-quality care that meets the needs of individuals.

Collaboration between commissioners and care providers is vital in creating a culture of openness and working in partnership. By working together, they can ensure that liberty is protected, safety is prioritised, and risk assessments are conducted effectively.

Effective care should involve individuals who use services, their families, friends, and others in the decision-making processes. This involvement promotes choice and ensures that the needs and preferences of individuals receiving care are taken into account.

Safety - We Statements

One important aspect of this culture is ensuring that the liberty of individuals receiving care is protected, while also maintaining safety. This involves conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential hazards or risks, and taking appropriate measures to mitigate them. By working collaboratively with everyone involved including individuals receiving care, families, professionals and others a comprehensive approach can be taken to promote choice and ensure the best possible outcomes.

It is essential that care providers have the necessary skills and competency to deliver high-quality care. This includes staying up-to-date with all safety regulations and legislations. By working in line with these guidelines, providers can ensure that they are providing safe and effective care that meets the required standards.

Overall, a collaborative approach and adhering to CQC key questions and quality statements while also following safety regulations and legislations, providers can strive towards delivering high-quality care while protecting the well-being of those they serve.

Effective - We Statements

In order to achieve positive outcomes, it is crucial for care providers to effectively identify and assess the needs of individuals. This process ensures that all support provided, including care plans and interventions, accurately reflect these needs.

Moreover, care services are expected to be inclusive, value equality and diversity. They should respond promptly to areas where improvements are required, fostering a culture of ownership, improvement, honesty, and transparency.

A person-centred approach is essential in delivering quality care. this is also supplemented by using a human rights-based approach, CQC regulated services prioritizs the rights and dignity of individuals in their care. This ensures that the services provided are tailored to meet each person's unique needs and preferences.

To maintain high standards of service delivery, constant evaluation is necessary. Regular assessments help identify areas that require improvement and allow for adjustments to be made accordingly. Quality should remain at the heart of service delivery in order to promote the well-being and satisfaction of those receiving care.

Caring - We Statements

The "we statements" on caring require care providers to demonstrate kindness, equity, and compassion. These statements emphasise the involvement of individuals receiving care, their families, professionals, and others in the care process.

A caring care provider respects and considers the aspirations and wishes of individuals receiving care. They promote independence by providing opportunities for individuals to have their voice heard and actively participate in decision-making processes.

A caring provider aims to improve the lifestyles and enhance the quality of life for those under their care. They strive to create an environment that supports individual growth and wellbeing. By adhering to these principles, care providers can ensure that they are truly caring for those they serve. It is through kindness, equity, compassion, and a focus on individual needs that they can make a positive impact on the lives of those in their care.

Responsive - We Statements

Being responsive to the needs of individuals receiving care is crucial in ensuring high-quality and person-centred services. This plays a significant role in meeting the diverse needs and preferences of individuals.

All care services should be based on a person-centred approach, where the individual's unique circumstances, values, and preferences are taken into account. This means that care is provided in a way that aligns with their specific requirements, including the mode of delivery.

To ensure that care truly meets the needs of individuals, their lived experiences should be captured and considered. This involves actively seeking feedback from those receiving care and encouraging them to share their thoughts and opinions. Feedback is not only welcomed but also acted upon to foster continuous improvement.

In addition to involving individuals in decision-making processes, collaboration is encouraged among families, professionals, and other stakeholders involved in planning and implementing services. This collaborative approach promotes knowledge sharing and skills development, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of care.

All services should be accessible to all individuals without discrimination or barriers. This includes physical accessibility as well as ensuring that communication methods are suitable for different needs such as language or disability requirements.

Well-led - We Statements

When it comes to being "well-led," care providers must strive for continuous improvement. This means constantly evaluating their practices, policies, and procedures to identify areas for enhancement and implementing changes accordingly. By doing so, they can ensure that they are providing the best possible care to individuals using their services.

Additionally, clear lines of management are crucial in a well-led organisation. This ensures that there is a structured hierarchy in place, with defined roles and responsibilities for each level of management. Clear communication channels enable effective decision-making and problem-solving within the organisation.

Supporting care staff and promoting their development is another important aspect of being well-led. Care providers should invest in training and mentoring opportunities to empower their care staff. By fostering professional growth and personal development, care providers can enhance the overall quality of care delivered.

Collaboration with other organisations is essential for improving outcomes for individuals using services. By working together with external stakeholders such as local authorities, healthcare professionals, and community groups, care providers can share best practices, exchange knowledge and resources to achieve better results collectively.

Promoting equality and inclusion should be at the core of every well-led organisation's values. Care must be provided fairly with dignity and compassion to all individuals regardless of their background or circumstances. Person-centred care should be prioritised by tailoring services to meet individual needs while respecting their preferences and choices.

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