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Our CQC Consultation and Support

How we work

Caretips is committed to providing CQC consultation services that promote your independence. We will not offer services that will make you dependent and enable you to lose your identity. We will not make you a junior partner or put you in a position which will make it hard for you to operate without our input. A good partnership allows you to exit the arrangement at any time and enable you to confidently meet CQC regulation requirements.

Promoting your independence

We do not just use words about independence but implement this in practice as our ethos throughout our service delivery. We take special interest in what you are aiming to achieve and assist you to maintain your vision throughout our partnership working. We do not believe in offering an off the shelf solution as this will make it difficult for you to be ready for interviews and meet regulatory compliance requirements. Remember, regulators already know a number of providers buy resources such as polices. There is a likelihood that your CQC inspector has already come across these mass sold resources.

Project Management Approach

Our approach is to support you as a project. We first find out about your vision, aims, objectives and your plans for meeting regulatory requirements. If your vision does not fully reflect the expectations of the CQC regulations and other regulators we will assist you to adopt these as the core of your service. Once this is done, we will work together in partnership on a strategy and agree a timescale to bring everything to life. Milestones and regular reviews will remain fully aligned to your vision and inspection framework used by the regulators. We want to see you on the CQC register as soon as possible with a positive rating which will help you with recruiting quality staff, contracts and attracting further business.

Holistic Overview of your business

We do not want you to treat any aspect of your business as separate. Your approach should always treat all parts of the service as related and complimenting each other. For example, if the project is about creating polices these should demonstrate your brand and vision throughout. These will need to be personal to your organisation, giving you the confidence of answering any questions about them. Remember any interviews and inspections will be grounded on your own policies and procedures. You should treat this with the same courtesy as you would if asked to defend a dissertation at university. You will be expected to know about the topic, research methods and analysed data. You will not be able to answer proficiently if the research was carried out by someone else. The CQC is not interested in just seeing polices. They want you to demonstrate their significance and how they will meet regulatory outcomes.

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